NTGRTY (Integrity)is an inspirational active streetwear brand which focuses on producing high quality products for consumers while encouraging them to have integrity. Officially created in December 2020. During a time where we were forced to isolate ourselves. Our isolation quickly turned into self evaluation, self awareness, forgiveness, and learning the power of positive thinking has completely changed our life for the better. We chose the name NTGRTY for the brand because that is one of our core values and what drives us in our everyday life. Choosing to alter the spelling has everything to do with coming full circle from within, finding purpose and daring to be different. Determined to put authentic meaning back into the word, making a statement both physically and mentally....NTGRTY Clothing was born.
We're true believers in everything happening for a reason. We were all put in this universe, in this particular moment in time to share our Creativity and Inspire. NTGRTY is more than Active Street Wear, its a MVMNT!
NTGRTY Clothing is a physical representation of us coming into our own and wanting to share it with the world.
To have NTGRTY(Integrity ) is to wear our brand, to wear our brand is to follow our Movement; To follow our Movement is to be Inspired.

Born and raised in the Fillmore District in San Francisco, CA, I was always a very zealous, creative, and ambitious soul. I always wanted more out of my life and KNEW I was absolutely meant for it.
Although I've always known what the word ‘integrity” meant, It wasn’t until I saw an interview with Nipsey Hussle explaining what integrity meant to him, that the word and its true meaning spoke to my soul. He said “It's doing the right thing when no one is looking.” It was that defining moment in my life that started to truly shape me as a person. It stuck to me like glue and planted a seed that would almost a year later inspire NTGRTY LLC.
The HIGHEST human act is to INSPIRE...
-Nipsey Hussle